Facilities Committee Minutes May 12, 2020 at 7:30 a.m.

Facilities Committee Minutes
May 12, 2020 at 7:30 a.m.
via Google Hangout/Meet
North Shore Community School excels in connecting our students’ academics and learning with their natural
and social environments in a nurturing community setting.
Committee Purpose: To provide direction and oversight of the building and grounds and
make recommendations to the Board.
Due to the declared health pandemic and the declared state of emergency and pursuant to Minnesota Statute
13D.021, until further notice, all NSCS Facilities Committee meetings will be held by teleconference or other
electronic means. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13D.021, members of the public are not permitted
to attend this meeting due to the current health pandemic. The public is encouraged to watch this meeting
online at: https://youtu.be/px2S57qF91I
Call to order: 7:39
Roll Call:
Phil Strom, Ed Bruckelmyer, Josh Goutermont (excused), Chad Maki, Nikki
Carpenter, Shelly Pierson, Denny Stolp
Sarah Massie
I. Approve May 12th, 2020 Agenda: (Motion by Denny, second by Chad. Chad: aye,
Denny: aye, Shelly: aye, Phil: aye, Ed: aye, Nikki: aye)
II. Approve April 21st, 2020 Minutes: (Motion by Denny, second by Chad. Denny: aye,
Chad: aye, Shelly: aye, Nikki: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)
III. New Business-
a. Roof Maintenance (Insurance company mandate) (insurance company
noticed water pooling on the roof. Chad has been in contact with Kettle
company to look at the roof. Insurance is requesting the fix by September.
This issue will be added to the next months agenda)
b. Broken window (A window was found broken from a rock. The window will
be replaced. The parent of the child that threw the rock contacted the school
to discuss this matter. Board members appreciated that the parents contacted
the school and they thought discussing with the parent what action could be
done to resolve the situation would be best.)

IV. Old Business-
a. Summer projects (Cleaning is in progress, Chad will touch up the paint)
V. Adjourned- 7:54 (Motion by Nikki, second by Denny. Nikki: aye, Denny: aye, Chad:
aye, Shelly: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)