Facilities Committee April 21, 2020

Facilities Committee
April 21, 2020
Google Hangout Meeting
North Shore Community School excels in connecting our students’ academics and learning with their natural
and social environments in a nurturing community setting.
Committee Purpose: To provide direction and oversight of the building and grounds and
make recommendations to the Board.
Call to order: 7:36
Roll Call:
Phil Strom, Ed Bruckelmyer, Josh Goutermont, Chad Maki, Nikki Carpenter,
Shelly Pierson, Denny Stolp
Sarah Massie
I. Approve April 21, 2020 Agenda: (Motion by Chad, second by Denny. Phil: aye, Ed:
aye, Josh: aye, Chad: aye, Nikki: aye, Shelly: aye, Denny: aye)
II. Approve March 17, 2020 Minutes: (Motion by Denny, second by Josh. Phil: aye, Ed:
aye, Josh: aye, Chad: aye, Nikki: aye, Shelly: aye, Denny: aye)
III.New Business-
a. No new business at this time.
IV. Old Business-
a. New dishwasher installed.
b. Summer projects- Painting has started in some of the smaller areas of the
school. Summer cleaning and project might start sooner this will depends on
if the Governor extends distance learning.
c. Belknap Electric completed the annual inspection/maintenance on the solar
V. Adjourned- 7:55 (Motion by Denny, second by Chad. Phil: aye, Ed: aye, Josh: aye,
Chad: aye, Nikki: aye, Shelly: aye, Denny: aye)