April Facilities Committee Pending Minutes

Facilities Committee Pending Minutes
April 27th, 2021 at 7:30 a.m.
via Google Hangout/Meet

North Shore Community School excels in connecting our students’ academics and learning with their natural and social environments in a nurturing community setting.

Committee Purpose: To provide direction and oversight of the building and grounds and make recommendations to the Board.

Due to the declared health pandemic and the declared state of emergency and pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.021, until further notice, all Facilities Committee and ABC of NSCS Board meetings will be held by teleconference or other electronic means. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13D.021, members of the public are not permitted to attend this meeting due to the current health pandemic. Persons may monitor this meeting from a remote location through our streaming link: https://youtu.be/4IKEYM-htsE .

Call to order: 7:30

Roll Call:
Phil Strom, Ed Bruckelmyer, Josh Goutermont, Chad Maki, Nikki Carpenter, Shelly Pierson, Denny Stolp, Jaron Larson
Others: Sarah Massie

I. Approve April 27th, 2021 Agenda: (Motion by Jaron, second by Josh. Chad: aye, Denny: aye, Josh: aye, Jaron: aye, Shelly: aye, Ed: aye, Nikki: aye, Phil: aye)

II. Approve March 16th, 2021 Minutes: (Motion by Denny, second by Josh. Chad: aye, Denny: aye, Jaron: aye, Josh: aye, Shelly: aye, Ed: aye, Nikki: aye, Phil: aye)

III.New Business-

A. Summer Projects (refer to “E.”)
B. Lease Aid (Nikki reported that not much is changing and is working on it.
This will be moved to ABC May Agenda.)
C. Boiler Room Lighting Update (Half of lights were not working. Replaced all
with LED new lighting. Made a nice difference)
D. Outside Storage Ideas (Was discussed how they are running out of storage
space. Will be looking at different options on how it can be done. Chad will
get back to the committee on this.)
E. Maintenance:

Create/update summer and ongoing projects list, Playground rocks and edging, Baseball Diamond (work day?), Nature Trail Wood Chips, Access road graded and holes filled (this is a pressing issue), Cement repairs for sidewalk.
(Each item was discussed. Playground rocks and broken edging need replaced and baseball diamond is overgrown with weeds. Chad will contact Miller Creek Landscaping for options. Nature trail needs wood chips, Phil will contact the appropriate person for getting loads and will head the project. Chad will be contacting Johnston Masonry for access road grading and holes filled. Discussed cement repairs on whether to patch or replace. The feeling was to replace but will consider pricing. Was also discussed that annual maintenance was performed on the solar and some was discussed regarding finishing the bridge. Shelly plans to contact Dan regarding the bridge.)

F. Promethean Board Replacement:
We are looking to replace a number of interactive whiteboards that were
originally purchased in 2009-2009 by the Duluth Township, We have 18 older
boards in need of replacement, Shelly will share replacement costs Thursday
morning when she is back in school. (Discussed value of old boards, was
decided there was no value. Did look into federal funding but nothing was
available. A bid was brought forward for $77,818.32. This included free
shipping and a 10% discount. This item was moved to the ABC April agenda)

IV. Old Business-

A. Review “Committee Purpose” (A motion was made by Ed and seconded by Denny to pluralize the word “board”. Denny: aye, Chad: aye, Jaron: aye, Josh: aye, Shelly: aye, Ed: aye, Nikki: aye, Phil: aye)

V. Adjourn: 8:20 (Motion by Denny, second by Jaron. Chad: aye, Denny: aye, Jaron: aye, Josh: aye, Shelly: aye, Ed: aye, Nikki: aye, Phil: aye.)