224 Director Evaluation

224 Director Evaluation

I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide information regarding the annual director evaluation process.

II. General Statement of Policy

It is the responsibility of the school board to ensure that the director is leading the North Shore Community School in accordance with the mission, values, strategic outcomes and goals that have been articulated by the board and authorizer. The board fulfills this responsibility in two ways:

First, it is through the formal dialogue that occurs between the director and the board at each board meeting and committee meetings. This ongoing dialogue keeps the board apprised of progress toward desired outcomes, as well as demonstrating the director’s performance in the operational functions of the school.

Second, it is through a formal annual evaluation process in which the director and the board set goals based on job description, data and areas of need as a school. This evaluation process identifies the director’s strengths, achievements, areas for growth and focus for future action.

III. Procedure

A. The Board will review the director’s performance according to the timetable laid out in the policy.

B. The board will review student performance and organizational goals established by the NSCS Sponsor, MDE and the board in the fall. The board will review input gathered via school performance assessment survey that will be completed by school staff, and through informal assessments completed by the school sponsor.

C. The board will review informal assessment results during a regular school board meeting. Per statute, the director has the choice of having the meeting open or closed.

IV. Timeline

A. September

1. Director provides measurable goals which are based on job description, data and areas of need as a school. In the event that the school board and the director are unable to come to mutual
agreement, the school board will set the Director’s Goals.



B. December

1. During the school board meeting, the school board chair and director review the evaluation process and forms with new school board members following their election and officially taking their seats on the school board.

C. January

1. The director will complete a self-evaluation, with supporting documents to be provided to the school board on or before a date set prior to the January board meeting as determined by the Board Chair. Unless the director requests the evaluation meeting be open, the school board must close the meeting. If the director wants the evaluation to occur in an open meeting, the school board chair shall get the request in writing.

2. Each school board member completes the evaluation form for the director’s mid-year,
formative evaluation and returns them to the school board chair on or before a date set prior to the
January board meeting as determined by the Board Chair.

3. The school board chair creates a mid-year formative evaluation summary document consisting of each school board member’s ratings and comments.

4. The school board chair brings the mid-year formative evaluation summary document to the director’s evaluation meeting held during the regular January meeting. The school board chair shares and discusses with the director the formative evaluation of his/her performance. The director provides additional clarification/progress reports, if any, on school district goals related to job description and his/her professional performance goals.

D. February

1. At the regular February meeting the school board Chair shall summarize its conclusions regarding the formative evaluation.

2. The formative evaluations shall be attached to the summative evaluation and placed in the
director’s personnel file.

E. April/May

1. School climate survey conducted to determine staff satisfaction as outlined in strategic plan.

2. Parent Satisfaction Survey completed by stakeholders. F. June
1. Director will complete an end of year evaluation of goals, with supporting documents, and provide these and supporting documents to the school board on or before a date set prior to the June board meeting as determined by the board chair.

2. Each school board member completes the summative evaluation form and returns it to the school board chair on or before a date set prior to the June board meeting as determined by the Board Chair.

3. The school board chair creates a summative evaluation summary document consisting of each
school board member’s rating and comments.

4. The school board chair brings the summative evaluation summary document to the director’s evaluation meeting. Unless the director requests the evaluation meeting be open, the school board must close the meeting. If the director wants the evaluation to occur in an open meeting, the school board chair shall get the request in writing.

5. The school board shares and discusses with the director its evaluation of his/her performance. The director provides additional clarification/progress reports, if any, on school district goals and his/her professional development goals.

6. During the regular June meeting the school board Chair shall summarize its conclusions regarding the formative evaluation.

7. A copy of the final written summative evaluation form is placed in the director’s personnel

G. Return to the beginning of the cycle.