North Shore Community School PTA
The North Shore Community School PTA is comprised of parents and teachers finding ways to support and supplement the extraordinary education the students of North Shore Community School already receive. Recent contributions include benches for an outdoor classroom in the school orchard, funding towards the upcoming school zip lines, and funding for a sweeper for the school’s ice rinks and sidewalks.
Mission statement: To advance the North Shore Community Schools mission by engaging, supporting, and encouraging all teachers, parents, and community members to be and stay involved in the greater school community.
If you have ideas for the school or would like to help out, please join us. All are welcome!
President: Kim Marks Vice President: Anne Collins
Secretary: Jenna Johnston
Treasurer: Laura Judd
- Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
- Tuesday, October 15th (Officer Election)
- Tuesday, November 19th
- December, no meeting scheduled
- Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
- Tuesday, February 11th
- Tuesday, March 18th
- Tuesday, April 15th
- Tuesday, May 20th
- Tuesday, June 17th
Below is the link to the PTA Folder where you can find agendas, minutes, bylaws, budgets and forms.
PTA Folder