April 2021 Minutes


ABC of North Shore Community Pending Minutes

April 27th, 2021 at 7:45 a.m.

via Google hangout/Meet
Due to the declared health pandemic and the declared state of emergency and pursuant to Minnesota

Statute 13D.021, until further notice, all Facilities Committee and ABC of NSCS Board meetings will be held by

teleconference or other electronic means. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13D.021, members of the

public are not permitted to attend this meeting due to the current health pandemic. Persons may monitor this

meeting from a remote location through our streaming link: https://youtu.be/4IKEYM-htsE .

Call to order: 8:20
Roll Call:
Phil Strom, Ed Bruckelmyer, Joshua Goutermont
Ex Officio: Chad Maki, Shelly Pierson
Sarah Massie, Nikki Carpenter
I. Approve April 27th, 2021 Agenda: (Motion by Josh, second by Ed to approve with typo
fix to “B”. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)
II. Approve March 16th, 2021 Minutes: (Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye,
Phil: aye)
III. New Business
A. Motion to approve March 2021 bank statements and reconciliation, to be signed

when the board meets on site. (Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye,

Phil: aye)

B. Motion to approve of April 2021 check run sub totaling $33,344.79 that includes

check numbers 1711 – 1718, the April mortgage payment of $22,856.75, ACH

Quickbooks payment of $70.00. (Motion by Josh, second by Phil to fix typo on

check run total and approve. Josh: aye, Ed: will abstain, Phil: aye)

C. Motion to approve of April 2021 Quickbooks journal entry report provided.

(Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)


D. Motion to approve check #1710 to North Shore Community Rink in the amount

of $10,000.00 for donated ice rink funds deposited into ABC bank account. (A

motion was made to accept the received funds from Philip & Barbara Strom

Family in the amount of $10,000.00 for the North Shore Community Rink. Motion

by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye. A second motion was made to approve

the check given to North Shore Community Rink in the amount of $10,000.00.

Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye)

E. Promethean Board Replacement (This was added from the Facilities agenda. A

motion was made and seconded to purchase the Promethean boards for the

amount of $77,818.32. Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)

IV. Old Business
A. Additional FDIC Insurance (Discussed looking into additional coverage for bank

account balance. Phil plans to reach out to North Shore Bank and will get back to the


Adjourn: 8:46 (Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)




ABC of North Shore Community Pending Minutes
April 27th, 2021 at 7:45 a.m.
via Google hangout/Meet
Due to the declared health pandemic and the declared state of emergency and pursuant to Minnesota
Statute 13D.021, until further notice, all Facilities Committee and ABC of NSCS Board meetings will be held by
teleconference or other electronic means. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13D.021, members of the
public are not permitted to attend this meeting due to the current health pandemic. Persons may monitor this
meeting from a remote location through our streaming link: https://youtu.be/4IKEYM-htsE .
Call to order: 8:20
Roll Call:
Phil Strom, Ed Bruckelmyer, Joshua Goutermont
Ex Officio: Chad Maki, Shelly Pierson
Sarah Massie, Nikki Carpenter
I. Approve April 27th, 2021 Agenda: (Motion by Josh, second by Ed to approve with typo
fix to “B”. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)
II. Approve March 16th, 2021 Minutes: (Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye,
Phil: aye)
III. New Business
A. Motion to approve March 2021 bank statements and reconciliation, to be signed
when the board meets on site. (Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye,
Phil: aye)
B. Motion to approve of April 2021 check run sub totaling $33,344.79 that includes
check numbers 1711 – 1718, the April mortgage payment of $22,856.75, ACH
Quickbooks payment of $70.00. (Motion by Josh, second by Phil to fix typo on
check run total and approve. Josh: aye, Ed: will abstain, Phil: aye)
C. Motion to approve of April 2021 Quickbooks journal entry report provided.
(Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)

D. Motion to approve check #1710 to North Shore Community Rink in the amount
of $10,000.00 for donated ice rink funds deposited into ABC bank account. (A
motion was made to accept the received funds from Philip & Barbara Strom
Family in the amount of $10,000.00 for the North Shore Community Rink. Motion
by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye. A second motion was made to approve
the check given to North Shore Community Rink in the amount of $10,000.00.
Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye)
E. Promethean Board Replacement (This was added from the Facilities agenda. A
motion was made and seconded to purchase the Promethean boards for the
amount of $77,818.32. Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)
IV. Old Business
A. Additional FDIC Insurance (Discussed looking into additional coverage for bank
account balance. Phil plans to reach out to North Shore Bank and will get back to the
Adjourn: 8:46 (Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)