ABC August 18th, 2020 at 7:45 a.m.

ABC of North Shore Community School Minutes
August 18th, 2020 at 7:45 a.m.
via Google hangout/Meet
Due to the declared health pandemic and the declared state of emergency and pursuant to Minnesota
Statute 13D.021, until further notice, all ABC board meetings will be held by teleconference or other
electronic means. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13D.021, members of the public are not permitted
to attend this meeting due to the current health pandemic. The public is encouraged to watch this meeting
online at:
Call to order: 7:51
Roll Call:
Phil Strom, Ed Bruckelmyer, Joshua Goutermont
Sarah Massie, Shelly Pierson, Chad Maki, Nikki Carpenter
I. Approve August 18th, 2020 Agenda: (Motion by Josh, second by Ed to add “indoor air
quality”, “parking lot stripping” and “fiscal year 2021 lease agreement” to the agenda
and then approve. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)
II. Approve July 21st, 2020 Minutes: (Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye,
Phil: aye)
III. New Business
A. Ice skating rink non-profit (move to new business on September agenda)
B. Motion to approve July 2020 bank statements and reconciliation, to be signed
when the board meets on site. (Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye,
Phil: aye)
C. Motion to approve of August 2020 check run sub totaling $49,522.19 that
includes the August mortgage payment of $22,856.75 and ACH Quickbooks
payment of $70.00 and an online payment to EMC insurance of $15,691.42. (Josh
requested a small change in the provided report. Motion to approve check run by
Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)

D. Motion to approve of August 2020 Quickbooks journal entry report provided.
(Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)
E. Indoor Air quality (A motion was made to approve indoor quality inspection not
to exceed $3,000.00. Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)
F. Fiscal year 2021 lease agreement (Lease agreement document had to be amended
and was approved by the state. This did not change budget numbers. A motion
was made to approve Phil to sign the amended lease. Motion by Josh, second by
Ed. Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)
G. Josh suggested looking into adding the executive director, Shelly Pierson and the
facilities director, Chad Maki as ex officio to our board members. Josh was asked
to look at the by-laws on this.
IV. Old Business
A. Parking Lot Stripping (Discussed using chalking for temporary to see what stripping
is needed. A motion was made to hold off on any additional stripping until Chad
and Shelly get back to the board on their findings. Motion by Josh, second by Ed.
Josh: aye, Ed: aye, Phil: aye)
Adjourn: 8:17 (Motion by Josh, second by Ed. Phil: aye, Josh: aye, Ed: aye)