202 Board Officer Roles

202 Board Officer Roles

I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define the responsibilities of the NSCS board officers.

II. General Statement of Policy

NSCS board officers are charged with specific roles entrusted to them by the NSCS board.

III. Board Officer Responsibilities

A. Chair

1. The chair is charged to lead the governance function. The chair’s role is to support and strengthen board unity and clarity of purpose and to represent the board to outside parties in communication of board-stated positions and decisions.

2. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the school board, act as official signer on NSCS
documents, represent NSCS in all actions, and perform all duties a chair normally performs.

3. The chair shall collaborate with the director to set the agenda for each meeting.

4. The chair shall confer with the director on crucial matters that may occur between board meetings.

5. The chair shall have the right, as other board members have, to offer resolutions, to discuss questions, and to vote.

6. Meet with Executive Director as needed for performance evaluation.

B. Vice Chair

The vice chair shall perform the duties of the chair in the event of the chair’s temporary absence.

C. Treasurer

1. The treasurer shall act as official signer on financial documents.

2. The treasurer shall serve on the Finance Committee.

3. The treasurer shall act in place of the chairperson when necessary and preside at meetings when both the chairperson and vice-chair are absent.

D. Secretary

1. The secretary is responsible for the integrity of board documents, certifying the evidence of board action, including attendance at meetings, board policies, and minutes.

2. The secretary is responsible for insuring that committee reports are gathered, meeting minutes are taken & distributed, and meeting notices are posted.

3. The secretary shall act in place of the chairperson when necessary and preside at meetings when the chair, vice-chair, and treasurer are absent.

4. The secretary is responsible for fulfilling election requirements as stated in Policy 205: Board of Directors Election and the North Shore Community School By-Laws

5. The secretary is responsible for parent mailings & correspondence that are issued by the Board.